Constipation And Lower Back Pain: Understanding The Connection

Constipation is a common and uncomfortable problem for many people, affecting nearly 20% of adults. Chronic constipation can lead to a significant decrease in quality of life with surprising symptoms that seem unrelated, including lower back pain, anxiety, and fatigue.

While it’s normal to have occasional trouble going to the bathroom, especially if you are stressed or dehydrated, chronic constipation can be devastating, and deadly.

Fortunately, you can enhance elimination, prevent constipation and help your bowels move more easily with effective natural remedies including targeted nutrition, stress reduction, exercise, warm liquids, smoothies, CBD, and Commit to the Cleanse your digestive system.

Constipation and Lower back pain

If you have fewer than three bowel movements per week, or if bowel movements are hard, dry, or painful and have difficulty passing, then you may be chronically constipated. In addition to bathroom discomfort constipation is associated with bloating, gas, and inflammation which impacts the entire body, including nerves in the lower back.

When the bowels are constipated, the large intestine and rectum becomes distended (overfull) with stool. We can’t actively sense this internal pressure but it puts pressure on the nerves in the lower back, causing pain. Straining to have a bowel movement, bloating and gas also puts pressure on the lower back muscles, which can become stiff and painful. It’s not always obvious that the experience of back pain and constipation, are related.

The risk of constipation increases with age, with the highest risk being for people over 65, and women report double the amount of constipation experienced by men. A combination of lower low-fiber diets, dehydration, eating animal products, lack of movement and stress are all impacting our ability to effectively excrete waste from the body.

Causes Of Constipation

Functional digestive disorders, such as chronic constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), are a group of conditions that stem primarily from the food we eat and our lifestyle choices:

Food, high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, and synthetic additives, makes it harder to produce normal movements and inflames the bowel.

Dehydration results in water being taken out of the gut to hydrate the rest of the body, this makes it harder for substances to flow and move out, it also reduces digestive function.

Stress alters hormone and neurotransmitter production, and directly influences tension, inflammation, enzyme production, and overall digestive function.

Inactivity reduces blood flow, weakening muscles within the digestive tract and causing stagnation in the bowel.

Fibre is an essential element in maintaining gut health as it feeds the good bacteria that digest and process your nutrients.

Magnesium is also essential for normal muscle function, insufficient magnesium can make muscles tense and reduce your ability to cope with stress.

Straining while using the bathroom or sitting in an uncomfortable position on the toilet, can contribute to bowel movements that don’t feel complete.

Insomnia or low sleep quality, including travel between multiple time zones, can mess up the regularity of the rhythmic digestive system.

Natural Constipation Relief

  1. Eat More: High fibre foods. Include more approved raw fruits, vegetables, garbanzo beans, and ancients grains in your diet. Apples, berries, avocado, and approved greens add essential plant cellulose and fibre which feeds good bacteria and scrubs the inside of your bowels clean, they are also rich in magnesium. smoothies are an easy way to consume more raw nutrients in a quick, convenient, and tasty drink.
  2. Eat more: Laxative Foods. Figs and plums are renowned for their ability to make you move. These fruits are high in fibre and antioxidants and work as natural laxatives and when consumed regularly will help prevent constipation. Avoid bananas as they can slow bowel movements. Sea salt also supports elimination with its high dose of minerals. Coconut oil also has a slightly laxative effect and supports bacterial balance.
  3. Squatting not Sitting while using the toilet is considered a more natural ‘traditional’ position and squat toilets are common in parts of the world. Studies have shown that squatting relaxes the puborectalis muscles and straightens out the colon, making it easier to pass stool with less straining. The rectum straightens out more when you squat, putting less pressure on lower back muscles. Installing a squat toilet, or simply using a stool to elevate your feet can help eliminate your bowels with less tension and ultimately help to prevent constipation.
  4. Reduce Stress and Relax The hormones signalling stress (cortisol and epinephrine) slow digestion, increase appetite, elevate blood sugar, and disturb elimination. Sudden intense stress, like a shock or fright, can cause immediate while prolonged stress makes muscles rigid and retain waste. CBD reduces inflammation and relaxes both the mind and body, it helps muscles in the bowels soften and regulates digestion through the endocannabinoid system. Combine CBD with targeted nutrition in this constipation relief smoothie.
  5. Stimulate and Hydrate Warm liquids help ease waste through the digestive system. The warmth also activates digestive enzymes increasing efficiency, especially if it’s cold outside. Hot water with a squeeze of key lime is great first thing in the morning to hydrate you and wake your bowels up. Ginger tea is warming and anti-inflammatory. Hemp and Chamomile Tea is perfect.
  6. Get More: Movement Physical activity can help improve digestion by increasing muscle activity in the intestines. Incorporating exercise, particularly in the morning, can stimulate the digestive system, reduce stress, and improve overall mood. Stretching, walking, jogging, yoga, swimming or dancing can support the internal massage that enhances bowel function.
  7. Cleanse it Out If your sink was clogged you would unblock it. But if it kept getting clogged you would know there was a bigger issue. Chronic constipation can be eased with methods described above, but at some point, you need to tackle the underlying imbalance. Waste accumulates in the gut and we can’t see or sense it, but we can feel the low mood and lethargy it causes. Support your insides to get clean and remove the mucus, toxins, plaque, molds, and yeast hiding in your gut.

Commit to the cleanse and resolve the root cause of constipation!

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Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3, also know as Cholecalciferol, is essential to our good health. D vitamins aren’t actually vitamins, they are pro hormones and, they are the only vitamins which are produced by our bodies.

What are Sources of vitamin D3 ?

Our natural source of vitamin D3 comes from sunlight which promotes vitamin D synthesis from cholesterol in the skin. This is fine for those of us who live in tropical climates but for those of us who live in colder climates, with dull, dark winters, it can be a problem getting enough D3. People with darker skin will also need more vitamin D3 than those with fair complexions, as the extra melanin found in darker skin slows down the absorption of vitamin D3.

Other sun blockers include: –

Using sun block

Heavy pollution

Living in cities with sky scrapers constantly blocking the sunlight

Not venturing outdoors

Vitamin D3 can be found in the following foods:-

Cod liver oil







Raw milk



It’s important to note that when a product say’s it’s fortified with vitamin D, it’s usually referring to vitamin D2 and not B3.

What Does Vitamin D3 Protect Us Against ?

|Rickets is the most common disease of old that comes to mind when we think of vitamin D3 deficiency but today, we have a far greater knowledge of the health problems that are associated with a lack of vitamin D3. It is therefore vital that we keep up our vitamin D3 intake, either through sunlight, food or supplements, to potentially help us prevent the following problems occurring:-

Weakened immune system

Osteopenia or Osteoporosis

Bone and muscle pain

Stress fractures

Hair loss


Neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s

Autoimmune disease


Cancer, especially breast, prostate and cancer of the colon



Type 1 diabetes

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The Dangers Of Insulin Resistance

Insulin is a hormone which is produced in the pancreas. It enables our bodies to use glucose (sugar) from the carbs we eat to give us energy or store the glucose for later use.

Insulin resistance is what occurs when the cells in our bodies resist or ignore the signals sent out by insulin, allowing sugars to remain in our bloodstream, causing high blood sugar levels. As insulin resistance develops, so the pancreas produces more insulin to try and counteract the problem. Put simply, the pancreas is put under ever increasing pressure to keep up the supply of insulin and this is when serious medical problems begin.

Figure from the U.S state that 1 in 3 people suffer from insulin resistance and, for people over the age of 60, this figure increases to 1 in 2. As insulin resistance shows no symptoms in the early stages, it often goes undiagnosed until we feel unwell.

Insulin resistance is liked to many diseases including:-


Type 2 diabetes

Cardiovascular disease


Cancer of the pancreas, bladder, breast, cervix, colon, prostate and uterus

Decline of memory function, increasing the possibility of Alzheimer’s

Risk Factors

Overweight or obese

High calorie, high sugar/diet

Little or no exercise

Long time usage of high dosage steroids

Prolonged exposure to chronic stress

Polycystic ovary disease.

Ways to improve insulin sensitivity

If you are overweight or obese, your first step is to lose weight. Do this by eating a balanced low calorie/low carb diet. Going plant-based can reverse this health problem.

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The Best Herbs For Pancreas Health

Why is Pancreas Health Important ?

Essentially your pancreas is responsible for converting food into fuel, then absorbing it into each cell.

Roles of the Pancreas

  • Produces insulin and glucagon, hormones that play a role in blood sugar regulation.
  • Produces enzymes like amylase, lipase, and trypsin for digestion.
  • Produces hormones that regulate appetite.
  • Reduces inflammations of the intestines.
  • Supports your immune system.
  • Assists with excretion.
    Undesirable things happen in your body when your pancreas can’t function properly. Common pancreatic disorders include:

    Diabetes develops when your body isn’t producing and or enough insulin due to autoimmunity (type 1 diabetes) or your body cells are unable to use insulin (type 2 diabetes). This, in turn, causes a spike in blood sugar levels when you consume a meal high in carbs.
    Symptoms of the disorder include excessive thirst, frequent urination, hunger, fatigue, general body weakness and slow-healing wounds.
    Simply put, it is the inflammation of the pancreas caused by blockage of the bile duct from bile stones. The symptoms include abdominal pain, weight loss, diarrhoea. mild jaundice and malnutrition.
    When your pancreas is inflamed, it goes through a vicious cycle of mucus, acidity and impaired digestion.
    How to Maintain A Healthy Pancreas
    The pancreas can taste sugar, and with the issues of the pancreas, the response isn’t always sweet. Here are some ways you can promote the health of your pancreas:
  • Stay hydrated with plenty of spring water.
  • Add anti-inflammatory berries and iron-rich greens to smoothies and juices/
  • Avoid alcohol consumption.
  • Reduce portion size and consider intermittent fasting or water fasting.

    Plant-Based Foods That Are Good For The Pancreas
    Alkaline grains, fruits and vegetables are pancreas friendly foods. Go for antioxidant-rich foods like berries, dark leafy greens, and grapes. Foods packed with healthy fats like avocados, walnuts, sesame, and coconut are also prime pancreas nutrition.
    Cascara Sagrada
    This is an herb used as a natural laxative for constipation. It also improves the liver, pancreas, and stomach secretions and is used to treat liver diseases and gallstones. It opens ducts for easy flow of enzymes in the digestive system.
    Oregano is not only a delicious herb but also contains phenolic anti-oxidants that aid blood sugar balance. It is loaded with anti-hyperglycaemic flavanols that curb sugar spikes.
    Burdock Root
    Commonly known for its cleansing properties it also contains antioxidants that enable it to protect cells from oxidative stress and reduce inflammation. Also, it has inhibitory effects on cell cycle irregularities and can help treat skin infections like acne and eczema.
    Stinging Nettle
    The Stinging nettle may cause pain if you come into contact with it, but give it a chance, the benefits of this herb may surprise you. It is packed with polyphenols, minerals, and antioxidants. Its components help to reduce inflammation and could help curb inflammatory conditions like pancreatitis.
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Natural Ways To Your Immunity

We are being violated with substances that offend our biological nature and devastate the immune system. The chronic health conditions we face are the result of a compromised immunity.

Immunity is undermined by toxins that increase physical stress on the body. Protecting your immune system enables you to thrive both mentally and physically. Eating alkaline food also keeps you safe from profitable philosophies benefitting from addiction, sickness, and fear. If the body is living in an acidic environment, this will cause cellular damage and disease. Right now we are being polluted with thousands of toxic substances causing havoc:

  • Heavy metals contaminate cells and cripple the immune system.
  • Halides (fluoride and chloride) in public drinking water exterminate life.
  • Processed food is full of preservatives, additives and artificial chemicals.
  • Pesticides and fungicides kill the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
  • Meat and dairy are laced with growth hormones and antibiotics.
  • Plastics packaging seeps hormone-mimicking chemicals into food.
  • Cosmetics and cleaning products contain toxic chemicals.

    This biological burden combined with cellular acidification is the real reason we get sick. Fortunately, by supporting the immune system, and nourishing your cells, it’s possible to defend yourself against the viruses, bacteria and accumulating toxins.
    Restoring the natural electric-equilibrium in the body cleanses cells, rejuvenates tissues and reduces stress.

    Herbs and minerals have an affinity with both the earth and your biology. Iron is the most abundant element (by mass) on Earth, and critical for your blood and immunity. Your blood delivers essential oxygen and vital nutrition to every cell and removes the toxins, but many of us are deficient in iron.

    Elderberry is an ancient immune-supporting plant used to reduce congestion, soothe soreness and support respiratory function. Packed with antioxidants, and phytochemicals this anti-inflammatory plant is a natural expectorant clearing mucus from the lungs. Good for treating colds and flu.
    Feed your genes with greens. Stay hydrated with natural spring water to remove toxins and dilute mucus.

    See you in 2 weeks.
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The Most Powerful Way To Heal The Body

24 Hour Fast Benefits

There are so many amazing reasons to fast. Let’s understand what it is first! Fasting is defined as any period of 8 or more hours when one goes without food. From that definition alone, we all qualify to have fasted. How did you break your fast this morning?

Water fasting is any period when you do not eat or drink anything except water. Typically people fast for 1 to 3 days, but longer fasts are possible once you are experienced. During a fast, you need to stay hydrated, and relaxed, for maximum healing potential.

You might wonder if knowing the science behind fasting is necessary. So why fast?

The Science of Fasting

Our bodies are like systematic machines, programmed to prioritize immediate and basic tasks (like digestion) over complex ones (like healing). The more we eat, the more our bodies focus on dealing with the inbound food, and not the critical cellular repairs and physical maintenance of the body.

Digestion is a slow process that takes a lot of energy, so if you eat throughout the day, or late at night, there is virtually no time or energy to heal, and we don’t want that!

Digestion takes around 4-6 hours, and meat much longer sometimes up to 2 weeks. It takes your body 8 to 12 hours to enter a fasting state. The moment you cease eating, many biological changes start to take place in your body. Eating causes an increase in insulin production to break down glucose in food, which takes almost 10 hours for blood sugar levels to drop.

Next, growth hormones are activated to help build muscles, breaks down fats, and amazingly, help to reverse the signs of aging. This next step is the pot of gold, for anyone on a weight loss mission. Once your body realizes no more food is on the way, it transits from using glucose to breaking down fat for energy. How remarkable, is that?

At the 24-hour mark, the body’s major organs go into a rapid healing state. It is the most powerful way to reset your body, damaged tissue, toxins, tumours, mucus, abscesses, cysts, and fatty deposits are eliminated during the remarkable immune system deep-clean that is activated by fasting.

The fasting-state triggers immune processes that remove poorly-performing toxic cells. Your immune system begins to seek out diseased cells to terminate them and re-allocate nutrients, this process is gradually accelerated, reaching a maximum rate after 4-days abstaining from food. This ‘tunes’ our physiology, allowing only healthy cells to remain operational. Fasting allows the blood to be purified and cleansed, expels heavy metals, restores neurotransmitters, hormonal reset, bad bacteria die off, inflammation significantly reduced and much more.

See you in 2 weeks

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Disease vs Health

Each habit we have dictates different outcomes in our lives. Implementing healthy habits will increase your quality of life significantly!

Understanding how your body really works is vital to surviving in modern toxic environments.

Lifestyle diseases, caused by poor diet and toxicity, are so normalized in society, that we have forgotten what the body is capable of. The immune system is not just a patrolling force of cellular soldiers, looking for the next bacterial battle.

Immune functions cleanse, wash and detoxify the whole body. All your cells are continuously reviewed, repaired, recycled and rejuvenated. The immune system physically protects the entire body and is responsible for maintenance and self-repair.

Disease is accumulated gradually due to toxicity and mineral malnutrition that overwhelms the immune system’s ability to build your body. Toxicity, acidity, and mucus build-up; starving cells of nutrition and oxygen as waste stagnates. Toxins reduce your ability to make bio-electric energy, and with less energy, your immune system can’t function effectively.

Where to Begin ?

There is a vicious cycle of toxicity that can be hard to break. Imagine trying to clean the kitchen, and wash the dishes, when the sink is blocked, it’s even harder if the taps are rusted shut. Each element of the cleansing, detoxifying, and waste elimination process needs to be optimized for the immune system to function effectively.

  • Nourishing Immunity – Daily mineral-rich green plants.
  • Supporting Immunity– Eliminate toxins that drain your energy and damage cells.
  • Mental Immunity– Thoughts influence immune regulation, fear suppresses immunity.
  • Refreshing Immunity– Restorative functions happen at night, get clean while you sleep!
  • Enhancing Immunity– Sunshine, fresh air, nature, and natural landscapes boost immune functions.
  • Accelerating Immunity– Specific herbs, which I have explained in previous posts fine-tune the Immune system and provide super-nutrition.

    Don’t take your immune system for granted, or wait until you really need it when you feel sick. Help health become a habit by supporting your immune system with the conditions needed to work optimally. Look after your immune system, and it will definitely look after you.
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It’s not what you eat, it’s what you absorb.

Simply put, digestive enzymes are proteins that break down our foods into minute pieces to allow then to enter our bloodstream and be carried around our body. Although, you may follow a healthy diet, it’s possible that the nutrients you are taking in are not providing you with any goodness. This particularly applies to people who have IBS, Crohn’s, coeliac disease, leaky gut or food allergies/intolerances. This inability to absorb the nutrients present in our food can cause long term health problems, this is where taking digestive enzymes can really help.

Different Types of Digestive Enzymes

Our bodies produce digestive enzymes in various organs such as the stomach, liver, small intestine, the pancreas and salivary glands. Different enzymes break down different foods. For example, lactase breaks down lactose which is a sugar found in milk and dairy products.

The results of some studies have shown that people with an intolerance to dairy products found they could tolerate the foods after taking the digestive enzymes lactase. Many digestive enzyme supplements contain a blend of enzymes such as Amylase (an enzymes which breaks down carbs), Lipase (helps break down fats), Lactase, protease (breaks down proteins) and more.

Major Benefits
Less stress on the digestive system

Less gut inflammation

Improved food digestion

Improved nutrient assimilation

Balanced gut flora

Helps reduce the effects of food allergies and intolerances

Strengthens the immune system

Cellular energy production is increased

Helps with auto immune problems such as rheumatoid arthritis

Skin and tissue healing is enhanced

Helps lessen the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in cancer patients.

See You in 2 weeks, with information on herbs that will cleanse the liver, lymphatic system, kidneys, blood and more.

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Top Most Harmful Foods People Eat.

  1. Canned Soup: with ingredients such as: Enriched meaning they took away a lot and added back a little. Wheat, MSG Monosodium Glutamate which is a excitotoxin and neurotoxin it kills brain cells, Corn starch or any type of starch, cane sugar, flavouring, yeast extract, soy protein isolate, garlic extract, and phosphate which promotes bone loss.
  2. White Bread : This is Hybridized, that means they have genetically altered it. This then the gluten is extra sticky and this will damage your gut lining.
  3. Canned Tuna: which has Mercury in it and not for your brain cells.
  4. Diet carbonated drinks: which as Aspartame, Sucralose, Formaldehyde, Ethanol which can make you go blind. these have been proven to be so toxic.
  5. Potato Crisps/Chips: High in salt, fat, seed oils which inflames the joints.
  6. Margarine: This is basically a cheap butter alternative. Contains trans Fat and Hydrogenated oils. Which are so toxic for the body and are proven to be carcinogenic.
  7. Energy Drinks: contains so much caffeine and artificial sweetener’s
  8. Fruit Juice: It has concentrated sugars which has much more of. They are also pasteurized which means that all the nutrients would have been removed.
  9. Deli Meats/processed Meats….Ham, salami, sausage etc. They are high in salt and they will give you a higher chance of getting cancer because they contain sodium nitrite, BHT, MSG, Corn Starch and sugar.
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What Is Gut Health ?

When you hear the word “gut” you probably first assume that people are talking about your gastrointestinal tract, also known as your GI tract. The GI tract includes includes the esophagus, mouth, colon, rectum, pancreas, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, and stomach. In a nutshell, it consist of the organs that involve food intake and output. However, what people are referring to when talking about gut health is the bacteria in your microbiome.

Think of the microbiome as a community in your large intestine. Within this community are trillions of different microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. Some of the microorganisms in your microbiome are good, but there are also some harmful ones. Fortunately, a healthy gut is able to maintain a good balance of both without causing any issues. However, if there are too many harmful microbes, then it could cause disease.

Conditions Possibly Caused by Poor Gut Health

When your gut health is functioning at its best, it can keep infectious agents away from healthy bacteria and immune cells. But when the bacteria in your gut is unable to maintain homeostasis (a state of balance), your gut wall could become compromised. When this occurs, pathogens may enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation. Inflammation is an immune response used to attack harmful bacteria or heal damaged tissue, but too much of it leads to poor health.

Consider inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and colorectal cancer. All are tied to intestinal inflammation. The inflammation is a response to how one’s gut health affects their immune system. However, it’s not just the GI tract we have to be concerned about. Inflammation may also cause allergies, Alzheimer’s, neuropathy, and more. Fortunately, all is not lost, and there’s something you can do about it!

6 Ways to Improve Gut Health

If you want to give your gut the best chance of warding off harmful bacteria, you may need to implement a new personal care routine and adjust your lifestyle. So here are six ways you can improve your gut health to ensure it’s functioning properly.

  1. Did you know that 55% of people across the world are stressed during the day? We’re surrounded by many stressors daily, but finding ways to lower our stress levels is important. Why? Well, it turns out that chronic stress levels can cause or worsen many serious health problems. The nerves in your gut may become more sensitive and cause changes in your gut microbiota, impacting how it communicates with your brain. Something like stress may cause a leaky gut because it’s easier for harmful bacteria to make their way around and seep into your blood circulation. The result is inflammation. So try and relax more, try meditation, go for walks, cut out caffeine.
  2. Get Enough Sleep
    Not getting enough sleep at night may impact your gut health. A lack of sleep causes stress, and we know from what was described above that stress causes inflammation.
  3. Eat Slowly
    You’ve probably never thought about this, but are you eating too fast? Many of us rush through eating when we should really be taking our time. Eating too quickly causes you to swallow more air, which leads to bloating and gas. However, that’s not all that’s occurring. Fast eating may also interrupt your gut hormones. Specifically, the ones that regulate your appetite and tell you when you’re hungry or not. Be sure to chew your food thoroughly to promote complete digestion and absorption of nutrients. This simple technique may assist in lowering digestive discomfort and preserving a healthy gut.
  4. Stay Hydrated
    It’s estimated that at least 75% of the world population are chronically dehydrated, which means it’s time to make efforts to push more fluids. We need water to keep things moving around and to promote a healthy gut. In fact, it’s believed that drinking a lot of water is helpful to the mucosal lining of the intestines.
  5. Check Your Food Intolerances
    Many people walk around with food intolerances and don’t even know about them. They may assume that symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, and acid reflux are normal, but it could mean your body doesn’t tolerate this food well. If you’re interested in finding out what foods don’t agree with you, start keeping a food journal. Begin taking notes when you notice undesirable symptoms after eating certain foods, and then try eliminating those items. Then your gut shouldn’t be as inflamed once you remove those triggers.
  6. Change Your Diet
    It’s no secret that some foods as tasty to eat, but they aren’t so great for your health. For example, sugary treats like cakes, cookies, ice-cream, and pies may eliminate the beneficial bacteria in your gut, which isn’t good. In addition, processed foods that are very common in the Standard Diet are linked to chronic conditions that may be completely preventable.
    Signs Of an Unhealthy Gut
    If you’re struggling with stomach issues, Experiencing persistent gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, heartburn. High-sugar diet, like sweets, fizzy sweet drinks, cakes, ice-creams. If you have constant weight changes, Skin irritation such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and then Autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, MS and a like are caused by a unhealthy diet and when your gut can no longer function properly.

    See you in 2 weeks!
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